Lawatan Kerja

Pada 30 November sehingga 1 Disember 2017, saya telah terlibat dalam lawatan kerja ke beberapa Universiti Awam di Malaysia. Berikut adalah throwback video dari lawatan tersebut.

Strange activity on 7020KHz

During SWL-ing on 40meter band, I have heard some strange activity where the operator were singing, laughing and transmiting music on amateur frequency but they never announce their callsign. So I decided to record some of their behaviour and hope to have some explaination from who know what is going on during that time of recording. I suspected it have to be some pirate a.k.a unlicense operator that operating on that frequency. It happen on 20 October 2017. Watch the video below.


Computer Power Supply Modified For Transceiver ICOM IC2200 Use

I have modified one computer PSU for using with my ICOM 2200. It is working fine. The power supply I been using is HP D10-320P1A.
Video edited with QUIK GoPro Apps for android.
For Donation:

I have try to modified my old power supply for use with my transceiver. For the result, see the video below.

Fully Shutdown Windows 10 with command

Lama blog ini tidak di kemas kini. Semenjak beberapa hari terdapat komputer yang menggunakan W10 menghadapai masalah untuk restart dan shutdown kerana mengambil masa yang lama untuk melakukan task tersebut. Berikut adalah kaedah yang saya gunakan untuk shutdown sistem operasi terbaru ini menggunakan Command Prompt windows.

Kaedahnya seperti berikut:

1. Tekan papan kekunci Win + R dan taip cmd
2. Setelah keluar tetingkap Command Prompt taip shutdown /s /f /t 0 dan tekan kekunci Enter
3. Windows akan menjalankan command tersebut dan komputer anda akan dimatikan setelah semua aktiviti di task manager di terminate.

Sekian sedikit perkongsian dari saya. Semoga bermanfaat.